Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Solo Sail of the Year

As you know by now, we just replaced our diesel with an electric propulsion power plant.  Its working great.  Kona and I headed out for a sunrise sail around 6:30am on Labor Day.  We motored about 2 miles to the wind line.  Without the noise and smell, its a pleasure to turn on our "always on" engine.  With the boat moving and sailing herself, I was able to get the coffee going and start on the blueberry pancakes in the cockpit.  What a great way to begin and there was nobody but me on the water.  We head to Craig's Cove at Angel Island.  An nice sandy bottom and the anchor is dug in.  Kona and I swim over to a small but lovely beach and play.  He is swimming out for a stick while I laugh and enjoy being naked on the beach.  It's barely 8am and the visitors don't arrive until 10 so no one is around.  Just the way I like it.  Kona does a zoomy dance as he is so excited when ever he goes to the beach.  So cute. We head out to the boat and more swimming.  We pull the anchor as the wind is up.  Head towards SF and then towards the Golden Gate.  We sail out in perfect conditions and the tide is right.  We get to the end of Golden Gate Strait and Point Bonita and head back in.  Not a freighter in sight.  Quick stop back at the cove for a nap and then a run in 25 knots for the barn.  Wow, a nice 12 hour sail!  So nice to be back on the water with our new engine and green power!

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