Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Fair Winds, Addiction - 17 years of pure Joy!

Last weekend was my last sail as a partner on the good ship Addiction, our 1981 Newport 30.  Here is the note I wrote to my partners:

Tex and I had a terrific sail to Sausalito on Saturday.  We stayed at our favorite marina, Schoonmaker.  It's got a great beach for bocce and a restaurant right in the marina.  We worked on the bilge for a bunch of hours and by 2pm we were ready to sail from Emeryville.  It had been cloudy all day.  By the time we reached Raccoon, it was sunny and lovely.  Best part of the day. 

Sunday was my last sail on the boat as a partner.  We headed out the Gate for a bit and I realized it had been a while since going out there.  Maybe a couple years.  Down past the city front, we gybed for home.  We had a nice run back to the barn in a warm wind.  Joked about raising the spinnaker one more time but there was too much wind.
It has been a fantastic ride!  The Addiction has brought so much fun and joy into my life.  I am one happy sailor!   And a lucky one at that!  Thanks to all of you for joining me on a fantastic chapter of my life!
And now for something completely different...a 7000 mile sail to OZ!!!

Over the last month, I have been doing the best of the bay while sailing to my favorite spots:
1 Sail to Sam's for lunch
2 Sail to Angel Island for bocce and live music (Bobby McGee)
3 Sail to Scott's Cove with John
4 Sail to Sausalito and overnight with Tex at Schoonmaker.  Great dinner! And a great way to end my time with this amazing boat.On to a bigger and better boat!

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