Friday, August 11, 2017

Last Sojourn on the Addiction

Tex and I are heading to Sausalito for the night on Saturday.  Kona and Carmen (dogs) will join us as well.  We are heading to a harbor we have been to many times, Schoonmaker.  It's been 5 years since we have been to this cute little beach marina.  It has been so full over the years that we have not been able to get in.  We will have a nice meal at a local restaurant and then close the boat up one last time.  17 years of memories will flood my brain.  You see, I have loved this boat from the day we got her.  She sails great, has taken care of us in some big winds and seas and hosted so many friends and family aboard.  If figure I sail about 80 times a year.  That means I have sailed this boat over 1200 times!!  That's alot folks.  Most active boats go out once a month or less.  I am nuts about sailing.

And now I am moving up to a much larger boat for our trip to Australia in 2018.  I have about 6 boats to look at in the coming month.  This is very exciting.  I will keep you posted on the hunt.  Wish me luck.

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