Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Flyin' Hawaiian

Head to the 2min mark for the action.
One of the photographers severed his spine on the landing. He is going to make it. "That set came and really caught everyone off guard. I hurried to put my camera away in my dry bag and then I told Cam to just ‘go.’ “I just remember feeling weightless and it taking a really long time to come down. I didn’t realize how fast Cam sent us over the lip of that thing. There was no handle on the ski, so I couldn’t stand up and hold on and hope my legs would have absorbed some of the impact. So, I was just sitting on the back with a death grip on the leather seat. Next thing I know I hear a loud thud. It felt like the ski buckled in half. Along with that, my back sent a shooting pain and tingling feeling from my waist down to my feet. I remember saying, ‘[expletive, expletive, expletive] I’m paralyzed.’ I legitimately thought I was.” On another note: we have had our share of big surf this winter in Northern California. So much so that almost every weekend folks are being careless and losing their lives around the surf. Please look out and never turn your back to the ocean!

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