Saturday, January 16, 2021

Having a great summer!

It almost feels like it. Our drought continues with temps in the 70's this week. It should be cold and raining but our usual weather has moved north to the Seattle area where they are getting pounded with atmospheric rives from Hawaii and Japan. Went out with my first mate Hana (she will turn 1 in Feb). Thursday was 15-17 and beautiful. We sailed smartly to Angel Island and a private beach for two. The weather was so nice and warm as we frolicked in the sand. Returning to the boat, the line sliped and off went the kayak in the wind. I stripped down quickly and jumped into the 53 degree water. Refreshing to say the least. I got the line in my hand and attempted to swim the 30 yards back. With the tide and wind against me there was a question weather I would make it before hypothermia set in. Hana watching me from the deck and even she is gettting worried. I finally make it and tie off the line securely. Back home for a nice curry chicken dinner and then I passout for 3 hours. Next morning I did some work on the boat and we are off by 10am into 14 knots of breeze. I just have the genoa up and we are moving nicely when the Coast Guard pulls up for an inspection. I had been stopped but not boarded just 3 weeks ago. They went thru the safety items and there were no issues. Within about 10 minutes, they were gone and I continued my sail. We made it to another private beach on Angel and went in for some fun. When I say private I mean the only way to get to the beach is by a kayak as the cliffs prevent access. Another warm day and I am naked on the beach with Hana. Some kayakers approach and I take off for a nice sunny hour in the cockpit with the tunes going. What a nice way to spend an afternoon. Back to the marina for a short nap and then home.

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