Friday, August 11, 2023

New Addition to Aquarius

Hope you are having a great summer! I sure am. The boat show came around in May. I stopped by a booth with a bunch of inflatables. I had been looking at these floating platforms online but at a grand I did not like the price. The guy at the boat show sold me a very nice one at half the price. This is the 7' x 7' version and it fits perfectly between the mast and traveler. What I really like about it is that now instead of my crew sitting on the boat while I kayak into the beach with Hana, they can jump on the platform and join me on the beach. 3-4 folks can fit along with all the beach gear. If I am out alone, its nice to anchor and take it out around the anchorage and say hellow to my fellow boaters. They have a bunch of cool stuff including an inflatable catamaran. Check them out here:

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