Friday, September 27, 2024

Great winds and beautiful islands - Seven Day Greek Charter

Flying from SF to Athens takes about 16 hours with layovers. Its a lomg ways but doable. My sailing bud Arnie and I met in Athens and jump on a very fast ferry to Naxos. About 100 miles off the coast. Our friends had chartered a 50' monohull and had been on the water a couple weeks. We met them about noon and took off for lunch. Cute little port town that was busy, especially in the evening. We took off the next day about 3 after awaiting the arrival of a outboard from the charter company (the other had been stolen). We had light winds as we headed to our first anchorage. We anchored at Apollonas Bay on Cyclades Island. Had a nice dinner in a local restaurant and noted that the pricing was very inexpensive. A carafe of wine was $5. The next morning the winds were up! This was the start of the meltemi that would be with us for the entire voyage. Meltemis are strong dry winds that blow from May to September and are formed by high and low pressure systems in the area. The winds ranged from 20-30 knots every day! Our next stop was a beatiful cove with a nude beach and taverna. The water was delighful as we swam to and from the beach. After dinner we did a night swim back to the boat with bioluminesence. The winds were way up for our sail to Amorgos. As we pulled into the bay it was a task to get the sails down. The piers were busy and we needed to med moor. On our first atempt we got tangled with a huge anchor. It tooks us about 30 minutes and the help of a fellow boater to untangle the mess. We headed to another pier and dropped anchor again and slide into our spot. Not easy and lots of shouting from land but we made it in safely on our second try. The winds contributed to making this the most difficult moor of the trip. What a cute town and its my birthday. Arnie and I head a few steps down the way and propmptly order some champagne and food. I take it easy that night as the crew heads off about 9:30 for dinner. I watch a movie and try to sleep with jet lag heavy on my mind. The next morning Arnie and I rent scooters for a tour of the island. The lady tells us there is only one road on the island so we won't be getting lost. We head to huge cliffs on the otherside that are magnificent. We push off about 1:30 for Nisos Skhorousa and a nice anchorage. Our boat neighbors insist we anchored too close so we move away. Late that night the skipper and his girlfriend get in a fight and she takes of in the dingy. The motor won't start and she is being blown away in a strong wind. A fellow boater went a got her and brought her back safely. Note to self...never take off in a dingy without starting the engine first. The drama continues but I go to bed. In the morning we head to the islands only port for breakfast. We set off in the afternoon for a beautiful sail to Nisos Koufonision. I hit town alone and find a nice spot for dinner and the sunset. The next day is a beach day after breakfast in town. I find a tree near the beach and set up the hammock and nap until depature. About 2pm we take off for Paros. We find a nice spot off town and do our last anchor off a cute town. Dinner with our feet in the sand with some great food. Next morning up for breakfast and then a cab ride to the port to pick up our ferry back to Athens. We stayed in a beachside hotel that night for a mid day departure. We noted that the area we were sailing is the same latitude as SF. Hence we had weather in the 70's each day and as I mentioned we got so lucky with the winds. It was a epic trip to a place I have been reading about for decades. Here is a link to our course thru the islands:

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