Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013 - A Look Back from Google
A happy and safe New Year to all! 2014, it's going to be another adventure.
Click and Hold Menu in Firefox
Not sure about you, but I have been having a frustrating issue with Firefox (I am a Mac user) for the last 6 months or so. Browsing a page, for no reason, a contextual menu would pop up. For months I thought is was from a fix I had made on the keyboard and did not realize it was only happening in the browser. Has anyone else had this issue? I found a fix. See below:
Thanks to the infinite wisdom of Steve Jobs, many Macs have only one mouse button. Once again, the good people at Mozilla have ignored a fundamental feature of the Mac UI.
Here’s the solution: type in your browser: about:config, and search for ui.click_hold_context_menus. Double click where it says “false” to set it to “true”, and now you’ll get the context menu by holding the mouse button.
It's working for me and I am so happy to find a fix!
Thanks to the infinite wisdom of Steve Jobs, many Macs have only one mouse button. Once again, the good people at Mozilla have ignored a fundamental feature of the Mac UI.
Here’s the solution: type in your browser: about:config, and search for ui.click_hold_context_menus. Double click where it says “false” to set it to “true”, and now you’ll get the context menu by holding the mouse button.
It's working for me and I am so happy to find a fix!
The Everest of Ocean Racing
Here is the start of the Sydney-Hobart Race from last week. They are calling the 69th running the greatest collection of super maxi sailboats ever gathered. Watch the start and see why! WO11 takes line honors in an epic race to Tasmania.
69th Rolex Sydney Hobart Race Start Part TWO OF... by solosailor1
Wow...had two great sails on the weekend. Both days were mid afternoon starts as the wind was just starting to build. Great sunsets and beautiful winter conditions (60 and sunny and clear). The boat is sailing fast in flat water with lots of high 6's on the speedo due to the new bottom paint. Hardly anyone else out there. Great way to end the year.
69th Rolex Sydney Hobart Race Start Part TWO OF... by solosailor1
Wow...had two great sails on the weekend. Both days were mid afternoon starts as the wind was just starting to build. Great sunsets and beautiful winter conditions (60 and sunny and clear). The boat is sailing fast in flat water with lots of high 6's on the speedo due to the new bottom paint. Hardly anyone else out there. Great way to end the year.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Most Popular Post of the Year!
I looked back on the entries I made this year and here was the one that stood far above the rest in popularity. It was our outstanding bareboat trip to Belize with 6 aboard for a 7 day adventure thru the reefs of this Caribbean nation. The weather was as grand as the sailing was superb. And at times, it seemed we were the only ones there! Some awesome scuba, windy nights in the bow hammock, a great crew and culinary delights from the galley. Read about our sailing sojourn here.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Whitbread 73 - Remastered
Check out this classic look back at one of the famous races around the world. Throw in 17 yachts, 167 crew and a couple stops along the way and you have an amazing old school race. It's interesting to look at the equipment they were using back then as well as the boats they sailed. All cutting edge at the time. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Got Wall Paper?
Found a cool site that just seraches for the best wallpaper for your screen. Great for that slick machine that was under your tree! Check it out here.
I typed in "sailing" and here were a few that I liked.
I typed in "sailing" and here were a few that I liked.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Boxing Day - Sydney Horbart Race
One of the toughest stretches of ocean racing is getting ready to take off. The 630 mile race for Sydney to Tasmania starts on 12-26. Some of the top mono hulls will be trying to break the 1d, 18h record set by Wild Oats last year. Let's wish them some decent weather and keep the storms at bay.
To understand the importance of the Hobart race in the Australian national psyche, consider first that sailing is indeed quite popular down there. Stir in the fact that the race is part-and-parcel of the annual Christmas holiday hysteria, and finally that anyone with a boat and the will to get across Bass Strait can participate if they really want to. Bake evenly for over half a century, and what you get is a sporting extravaganza the closest equivalent of which in American terms would be something like a cross between the Rose Bowl game, a Fourth of July picnic, and an ESPN Extreme Games Olympiad.
Here is a look back at last years race.
To understand the importance of the Hobart race in the Australian national psyche, consider first that sailing is indeed quite popular down there. Stir in the fact that the race is part-and-parcel of the annual Christmas holiday hysteria, and finally that anyone with a boat and the will to get across Bass Strait can participate if they really want to. Bake evenly for over half a century, and what you get is a sporting extravaganza the closest equivalent of which in American terms would be something like a cross between the Rose Bowl game, a Fourth of July picnic, and an ESPN Extreme Games Olympiad.
Here is a look back at last years race.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Bonehead Move of the Year - Team Oracle
After much pondering, h2uho's choice for bonehead move of the year is the sailing team that decided to put five pound weights in the bows of their AC 45's. This made them a second or two faster in light winds during the World Series races (which they won) that lead up to the America's Cup. Several members of the team were booted or demoted and it gave NZ a two race lead out the gate for the best of 19 races. No one ever came forward to say I did it so we have to blame the entire group, top to bottom. Although as we all know, Oracle made a dramatic comeback and won the whole thing. The cheating was discovered well after the American team had won the world series earlier in the year. The officials were going over the boats in advance of the Red Bull races for the youth teams. The bonehead part happened when the perpetrators failed to cover their tracks and pullout the extra pounds. Cheating is no good for anyone, but if you are going to cheat...CYA.
Happy New Sailing Year to you!
Happy New Sailing Year to you!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Kiting Across the Atlantic
6 kiters and a boat sailing 24/7 across the Atlantic.
The night kiting is the real challenge (“day time is play time”). Eric wakes me up 45 minutes before it’s my time to do the change with Filippo. I wake up, and it’s dark outside. Knowing that you have to go out kiting in pitch darkness makes you wake up fast. When I look out my small window, I see nothing. I’m standing in the light, and it looks even darker outside. I go to the outside dining table, where I get all of my gear together. First, everything on the kitchen counter, the vest with VHF, dog tracker and wetsuit, and then my helmet. All this while still standing in the light, looking out into the darkness, seeing Filippo riding in front of the boat. The only things I can see are the four lights, the light on his back, one in the middle of the kite on the leading edge, and the two brake lights on the wing tips. I’m always very excited before I have to go. But there are always the doubts: will the wind stay up, are we going to make a good rider change in the dinghy, will I be able to stay up in the sweet spot ahead of the boat (in front of the boat, on the upwind side, so the boat can pick me up without having to turn around if something goes wrong).
Then Eric double checks all my gear: is the VHF working properly (radio check), is the back strobe light, is the dog tracker on with full charge. Then it’s time to start my night time session. Eric informs Filippo that I’m in the dinghy, and I’m released behind our safe haven (the Double A). There is a stern light on the Double A that always blinds me just before I’m doing the rider change. The distance between the catamaran and me is getting bigger. Now I’m getting really excited. Once the dinghy is locked into position, Filippo approaches. This is the moment where everything changes. Filippo shouts my name. This is always the time when all of my doubts fade away. If Filippo can do it, I can! The change is a serious moment and we do it fast. First, I release Filippo’s leash from the safety, and hook mine into it. Then I grab the chicken loop and hook it into my harness, and take the bar into my hands. Filippo puts the board onto my feet and the leash around my ankle, and off I go into the darkness. Filippo shouts: enjoy Ike! Read more here.
The night kiting is the real challenge (“day time is play time”). Eric wakes me up 45 minutes before it’s my time to do the change with Filippo. I wake up, and it’s dark outside. Knowing that you have to go out kiting in pitch darkness makes you wake up fast. When I look out my small window, I see nothing. I’m standing in the light, and it looks even darker outside. I go to the outside dining table, where I get all of my gear together. First, everything on the kitchen counter, the vest with VHF, dog tracker and wetsuit, and then my helmet. All this while still standing in the light, looking out into the darkness, seeing Filippo riding in front of the boat. The only things I can see are the four lights, the light on his back, one in the middle of the kite on the leading edge, and the two brake lights on the wing tips. I’m always very excited before I have to go. But there are always the doubts: will the wind stay up, are we going to make a good rider change in the dinghy, will I be able to stay up in the sweet spot ahead of the boat (in front of the boat, on the upwind side, so the boat can pick me up without having to turn around if something goes wrong).
Then Eric double checks all my gear: is the VHF working properly (radio check), is the back strobe light, is the dog tracker on with full charge. Then it’s time to start my night time session. Eric informs Filippo that I’m in the dinghy, and I’m released behind our safe haven (the Double A). There is a stern light on the Double A that always blinds me just before I’m doing the rider change. The distance between the catamaran and me is getting bigger. Now I’m getting really excited. Once the dinghy is locked into position, Filippo approaches. This is the moment where everything changes. Filippo shouts my name. This is always the time when all of my doubts fade away. If Filippo can do it, I can! The change is a serious moment and we do it fast. First, I release Filippo’s leash from the safety, and hook mine into it. Then I grab the chicken loop and hook it into my harness, and take the bar into my hands. Filippo puts the board onto my feet and the leash around my ankle, and off I go into the darkness. Filippo shouts: enjoy Ike! Read more here.
Seventh Winter Trip to Sausalito is a Winner!
Just back from 4 amazing days on the water. The weather was perfect as were the winds. Kona joined me for the sojourn. We departed a day late due to a slow boatyard. We were getting the bottom painted and the yard was busy. I picked the boat up in Berkeley at noon on Tuesday. I had to swing by Emeryville and on the way out the harbor, my best bud Tex had just gotten to his boat. I told him I was heading to the city and he jumped on board. We made it over and quickly began preparations for dinner. Drew and Arnie were joining us for a feast on board. At about 7pm, the boys showed up and we started the fiesta. Soup, grilled polenta, brussel sprouts and thai chicken rounded out the menu. By 11pm we toasted them and then hit the hay. Up early as I had to meet John in Sausalito, a good 2 hours away. I made it there with good winds in the slot. John was waiting and we took off shortly. The winds were in the high teens so we headed for a circumnavigation of Angel Island. A nice sail indeed. Sunny, warm and windy. Headed to a guest slip at Clipper and John headed home. I had some fish tacos and hit the v-berth about 8pm for some sound sleep. Up on Thursday and fixed a few items. Great scrambled eggs with salsa. Off about 11 and no wind so I anchor in 25' off of downtown Sausalito. Warm and nice in the cockpit. The wind comes up about an hour later and I do a bunch of runs across the Golden Gate to the St Francis YC. Really nice and not much in the way of ship traffic. 15 knots and building near Crissy. What a wonderful sail. We head back around 4 and go for a nice walk. Spaghetti dinner and watching some movies in the v-berth. Morning comes and I fix a charging issue. We head off for Emeryville at 11 with some light winds that propel me towards home. With the new bottom paint she is moving thru the water at a fast pace. A hove to when the wind dies a bit. An hour later the wind comes up and we are moving again. Head in around 5 and one of my partners wants to load the boat for his day sail on Saturday. Good to see Rob. I head home, have dinner and pass out for the night! Another great trip with Kona, the Addiction and some friends thrown in for fun!
Friday, December 20, 2013
An Amazing Song by Shawn Colvin
I discovered this song on KFOG radio and fell in love as Shawn segues through 18 different songs, staring with the beginning of her song "Polaroids". Stevie Wonder, Jackie Deshannon, The Temptations as well as the the Red
Hot Chili Peppers, oh my! See how many you can name on this 11 minute
or so live version straight from the vaults of my favorite radio
station. Put on your headphones here.
Departing for Emeryville from Sausalito today. Winds look light. Has been an incredible four days on the bay with the nights cold but the days of perfect temps and wind! Happy holidays to all sailors.
Departing for Emeryville from Sausalito today. Winds look light. Has been an incredible four days on the bay with the nights cold but the days of perfect temps and wind! Happy holidays to all sailors.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Sojourn to Sausalito Update
Greetings from Sausalito! Looks like a fantastic day to be sailing on the bay, 15 to 25 knots out of the Northwest. Hope you have a great day too.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Pics of the Week
Boats been in the yard for over a week. Hope to pick her up today and take off for a sojourn to SF and Sausalito on a 4 day trip. More when I return.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Dreaming of the South Pacific?
I have been lucky enough to have visited Tahiti and Fiji with our travel group: Too Much Fun Club. In the early 90's, we started a social/travel club and took our members all over the world on group trips. We did alot of scuba and touring. Great fun. Our best trip was Bali/Thailand in 92.
Here is a look at some atolls in the South Pacific. This is a great film by a cruising couple.
Here is a look at some atolls in the South Pacific. This is a great film by a cruising couple.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, December 09, 2013
Sailing Goals 2014
2013 coming to a close and I thought I would see where we are headed for 2014.
Here is a look at my goals from this year, 2013: (The % indicates that item was accomplished!)
Add new dodger to the cockpit %
New starboard cockpit winch %
More night sails %% (had some of the best this year)
Take a bunch of friends out to see the America's Cup races on the bay %%%
Plan a bare boat trip to Belize with friends %%
Take a 5 day trip up to Napa with bikes for winery tours and tasting %
Organize a partner sail
Organize a Newport 30 overnight raft up in Clipper Cove
We also added three new partners in 2012/2013 (not an easy feat!) for a total of 6 in our partnership.
Some additional highlights:
Scuba in Belize
35 knot night sail to Sausalito and back
Clipper Cove Raft with Rich and Tex
Beautiful sunset sail with John and Tex
Darts Team sail to the ballgame
Getting hit by another boat while at anchor in McCovy Cove (not fun)
Overnight with Andy at Ayala Cove
Sailing out the Gate a couple times with John on his boat
Moderate winds on the bay all summer long
Seeing those AC boats sailing close to 50 mph!
Sailing with my son to SF and attending a private concert on Alcatraz w/ Neon Trees
Swimming to the beaches with Kona
Having so many friends and family out on the boat this year (over 80 folks!)
Here are my goals for 2014:
Start looking at boats for the radical sabbatical to New Zealand and Australia departing 2018 for a 1.5 year adventure
A 5 day trip to the Delta
Plan a trip for 2015 to the Grenadines
More spinnaker sails
Sail in the 21st annual Baja Haha and the 2nd annual Socal Tata via Latitude 38
Six nights at anchor on the bay
Sail with John on his new to him 41' Islander
Raft up in Clipper Cove
Sails to Giants day games
Be safe!
Our boat is on the hard this week getting bottom paint and a few minor repairs. Looking forward to a fantastic 2014!
Here is a look at my goals from this year, 2013: (The % indicates that item was accomplished!)
Add new dodger to the cockpit %
New starboard cockpit winch %
More night sails %% (had some of the best this year)
Take a bunch of friends out to see the America's Cup races on the bay %%%
Plan a bare boat trip to Belize with friends %%
Take a 5 day trip up to Napa with bikes for winery tours and tasting %
Organize a partner sail
Organize a Newport 30 overnight raft up in Clipper Cove
We also added three new partners in 2012/2013 (not an easy feat!) for a total of 6 in our partnership.
Some additional highlights:
Scuba in Belize
35 knot night sail to Sausalito and back
Clipper Cove Raft with Rich and Tex
Beautiful sunset sail with John and Tex
Darts Team sail to the ballgame
Getting hit by another boat while at anchor in McCovy Cove (not fun)
Overnight with Andy at Ayala Cove
Sailing out the Gate a couple times with John on his boat
Moderate winds on the bay all summer long
Seeing those AC boats sailing close to 50 mph!
Sailing with my son to SF and attending a private concert on Alcatraz w/ Neon Trees
Swimming to the beaches with Kona
Having so many friends and family out on the boat this year (over 80 folks!)
Here are my goals for 2014:
Start looking at boats for the radical sabbatical to New Zealand and Australia departing 2018 for a 1.5 year adventure
A 5 day trip to the Delta
Plan a trip for 2015 to the Grenadines
More spinnaker sails
Sail in the 21st annual Baja Haha and the 2nd annual Socal Tata via Latitude 38
Six nights at anchor on the bay
Sail with John on his new to him 41' Islander
Raft up in Clipper Cove
Sails to Giants day games
Be safe!
Our boat is on the hard this week getting bottom paint and a few minor repairs. Looking forward to a fantastic 2014!
Sunday, December 08, 2013
The College Application
This is an actual essay written by a college applicant to NYU in response to this question:
I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.
Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.
I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.
Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I’m bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.
I am an abrstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don’t perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won weekend passes. Last summer I toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. I bat 400.
My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me.
I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations with the CIA. I sleep once a week: when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.
I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven.
I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin.
I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.
But I have not yet gone to college.
(The author was accepted to NYU.)
I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.
Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.
I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru.
Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, I once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. I play bluegrass cello, I was scouted by the Mets, I am the subject of numerous documentaries. When I’m bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard. I enjoy urban hang gliding. On Wednesdays, after school, I repair electrical appliances free of charge.
I am an abrstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. I don’t perspire. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. I have been caller number nine and have won weekend passes. Last summer I toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. I bat 400.
My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. Children trust me.
I can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. I once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. I know the exact location of every food item in the supermarket. I have performed several covert operations with the CIA. I sleep once a week: when I do sleep, I sleep in a chair. While on vacation in Canada, I successfully negotiated with a group of terrorists who had seized a small bakery. The laws of physics do not apply to me.
I balance, I weave, I dodge, I frolic, and my bills are all paid. On weekends, to let off steam, I participate in full-contact origami. Years ago I discovered the meaning of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a mouli and a toaster oven.
I breed prizewinning clams. I have won bullfights in San Juan, cliff-diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin.
I have played Hamlet, I have performed open-heart surgery, and I have spoken with Elvis.
But I have not yet gone to college.
(The author was accepted to NYU.)
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
46k Miles Alone at Sea - Joshua Slocum
Slocum was the first solo sailor to circle the planet in the late 1890's. He rebuilt a 100 year old boat and set sail on an incredible journey that has been recreated many times in replicas of his boat. One of his most famous incidents was near the Straits of Magellan. In order to ward off the local pirates he was given a box of sharp tacks. At night, he would sprinkle them around his deck so if a local came aboard, he would step on the tacks and then jump off the boat. It worked! Here is a nice look back at his life from penniless mariner to toasting with presidents.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Perfect Storm: The Rescue
Had a very windy solo sail on Thursday. Made it out about 4pm and the wind was in the low twenties from the north. This allowed me to sail straight towards Sausalito. Got around Angel and it got lighter but gusty. Tacked near Stown and then headed back towards Alcatraz. Could not make it due to tide and wind so I gyped around and headed around the other side. As I was nearing the channel to the harbor it picked up to 35 or so. It seemed I was racing down the channel. Got the sail down once in the harbor and motor on. As I entered the slip the motor died and the wind pulled me into the fairway. I am now in a pickle. Drifting in the dark, I look for an open slip. One only and the wind pushes me right in and I tie off. I contacted the harbor master and she said no one is using the slip so I am OK. What a night to remember.
Yesterday saw very little wind so Kona and I headed to Clipper Cove for a swim to the beach. Lots of dogs and people. Also a bit of a raft up. Headed home for a hammock sail and then the wind did pick up a little and had a nice end of the day sail. Good times on the Addiction!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday Awesomeness
Had a great sail out towards the Gate on Sunday. Forecast was for 10 knots and low 60's. We headed out about 11:30 on a beautiful day. No wind for the first couple miles of motoring. As we got to the end of the pier, there was some wind ahead. By 1:15 we had 15 knots. A bit later as we approached Blunt Point, it was almost 20. We got a little too close to the Gate and the ebb of 4.7 knots started pulling us. We set up the spinnaker and hoped it would get us out of there. Sure enough, we had enough pressure to slowly pull us towards home. At Angel, we did a gybe and reset the chute for a run towards Treasure Island. Once there, the wind died and we motored home to an amazing sunset that was brilliant. To top it all off, we had a very nice full moon rise as we approached the harbor. What a day! Dave and Alajandro had a blast! And so did I!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Partnerships: Cost effective yacht ownership
We started our sailing partnership 13 years ago when 3 of us purchased a 1981 Newport 30. Our initial purchase price was $15k. We got lucky and bought a boat that has brought us great times and pleasure. It is also some what of a second home on the water. Fast forward to 2013 and we now have 6 partners each paying $100 per month or $3 a day to own this great boat. That covers all of our expenses for the year. We paint the bottom every 3 years and we will kick in a few hundred each to cover what our kitty cannot. Each partner has a week where the boat is "his". He can sail any time during that week. If someone else want to go sailing, they just contact that person and he either joins or goes out on his own. It works. I have been the lead partner taking care of the administrative side as well as doing a lion share of the maintenance on the engine and boat. We do have an annual work day where everyone comes out and we work on the boat. This year I have sailed her about 70 times so getting access is not a problem. Several of the partners have sailed less than 5 days. The good news is, even if you don't sail that much, it's not costing an arm and a leg.
One of the keys in setting this up is to get like minded partners. Our theme is day sails with a trip or two a year that might last 5 days. If you want a racing boat, it would be best to get all racers to join. We also ask for a one year commitment as it could be painful if you have folks coming and going all the time. DMV, insurance, getting them up to speed all go into the equation.
If you love sailing and have enough for a latte a day, you can't afford not to join or get a partnership going. If you need a push or info, drop me a line. It's time to cast off the dock lines and get ready for the time of your life!!
One of the keys in setting this up is to get like minded partners. Our theme is day sails with a trip or two a year that might last 5 days. If you want a racing boat, it would be best to get all racers to join. We also ask for a one year commitment as it could be painful if you have folks coming and going all the time. DMV, insurance, getting them up to speed all go into the equation.
If you love sailing and have enough for a latte a day, you can't afford not to join or get a partnership going. If you need a push or info, drop me a line. It's time to cast off the dock lines and get ready for the time of your life!!
![]() |
Our 1981 Newport 30 - Addiction |
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Cool Pics and a Peek out the Gate
Had a very mellow sail with John and Marc out the Gate on Sunday. Temps in the 60's and nice as we left the dock. Checked the tides and it was slack going to a flood. Perfect for a sail out the Gate! We reached the bridge in brilliant sunshine. Marc's first time out the Gate so we told him of the rites of passage. Go to the bow in the buff and scream at the top of your lungs while making an offering to Neptune. He did not go for it. We had a nice sail without any large ships and it was delightful. I put on Into the Mystic by Van Morrison and it was awe inspiring to be out there. We had a nice sail back and then the 10-12 knot wind died as we approached the channel. After, we headed over to check out John's new to him Islander Freeport 41. Very nice live aboard/charter if John can get her up to code. More sails soon!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
How to take out 6 boats in less than 45 mins.
Four of the boats hit were private boats and the owners were not happy with this unqualified crew and skipper. Nice butt!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Another Huge Storm Hits Clipper Race Fleet
Derry~Londonderry~Doire, one of the 12 boats in the 2013-14 Clipper Race, has been forced to divert to Port Elizabeth for crewmember Michelle Porter to receive emergency hospital treatment after the boat was knocked down in a violent storm in the Indian Ocean.
Porter, from London, sustained a broken arm when the boat was struck by a large rogue wave in conditions described by crew as "wild" and "epic". She was one of two crew working on deck who were injured when they were flattened by the force of the wave.
Skipper Sean McCarter reported: "I got on deck to see two crew obviously in pain. Unfortunately one was our medic, round the world crew member Susie Redhouse, thus making me the new medic.
"We quickly got Susie down below with what we feared may be a broken arm. Next was our chief of staff, another round the world crew, Michelle Porter, who swore she was OK but couldn't move her arm.
"We eventually got them both down below and out of their lifejackets and dry suits to begin the examination. Susie's arm turned out to be a bad bang but Michelle is still in her bunk and we suspect it could be broken.”
Continue reading here.
This is an around the planet race of rookies who buy onto a leg or three and race many 1000's of miles from port to port. Here is the race website.
Get your game on!
Porter, from London, sustained a broken arm when the boat was struck by a large rogue wave in conditions described by crew as "wild" and "epic". She was one of two crew working on deck who were injured when they were flattened by the force of the wave.
Skipper Sean McCarter reported: "I got on deck to see two crew obviously in pain. Unfortunately one was our medic, round the world crew member Susie Redhouse, thus making me the new medic.
"We quickly got Susie down below with what we feared may be a broken arm. Next was our chief of staff, another round the world crew, Michelle Porter, who swore she was OK but couldn't move her arm.
"We eventually got them both down below and out of their lifejackets and dry suits to begin the examination. Susie's arm turned out to be a bad bang but Michelle is still in her bunk and we suspect it could be broken.”
Continue reading here.
This is an around the planet race of rookies who buy onto a leg or three and race many 1000's of miles from port to port. Here is the race website.
Get your game on!
Atlantic Sailing Rally Hits Intense Storm
Two rival sailing organizations, each planning to travel from Hampton Roads to the Caribbean: One group shipped out ahead of schedule last weekend in a single pack to get out ahead of bad weather. The other group waited.
Most of the boats in the second group, sailing in the Salty Dawg Rally out of Hampton, left Tuesday and Wednesday after the first of two forecasted cold fronts had passed. They hoped to cross through the volatile Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras before the second cold front moved into the area Thursday.
Many of the Salty Dawgs, though, didn't make it across the strong ocean current before conditions got rough, resulting in an unusually busy night for Coast Guard rescue teams in North Carolina - and prompting some in the sailing community to question the safety of the event.
Roughly 115 boats participated in the third-annual Salty Dawg Rally. Several experienced serious problems late Thursday as they sailed into strong crosswinds and choppy seas some 200 miles off the coast of North Carolina.
Two boats lost their masts; four others had serious rudder problems. One sailor lost his footing and broke an arm. Crew members from other boats reported intense seasickness.
Here is an update from the USCG on the resues:
Here’s a breakdown of each incident provided by the U.S. Coast Guard:
Rescue #1:
Crewmembers aboard the 41-foot sailboat, Ahimsa, sent out a distress signal via a satellite tracking device, stating that they were taking on water approximately 230 miles east of Virginia Beach and were in need of assistance.
5th District watchstanders launched crews aboard a Hercules airplane to search and a Jayhawk helicopter to perform the rescue. Watchstanders also contacted the Navy, who diverted the USS Vella Gulf to assist.
At approximately 11 p.m., the Jayhawk crew arrived at the Vella Gulf’s location and refuled aboard the ship. Proceeding from the Vella Gulf, the Jayhawk hoisted four people from the Ahimsa at approximately 1:30 a.m., and took the boaters back to Air Station Elizabeth City, where they declined medical treatment.
Rescue #2:
In a second case, crewmembers aboard the 38-foot sailboat Nyapa, sent out a distress signal via a satellite tracking device stating that they had lost their mast and were taking on water approximately 275 miles east of Virginia Beach and were in need of assistance.
5th District Watchstanders diverted the first Hercules crew from the Ahimsa case to search for the Nyapa, but were unable to locate the boat. A HC-130 crew from the air station launched at approximately 10 p.m., and utilizing new information recieved from the coordinator of the Salty Dawg Rally, located the Nyapa and established communications.
A crewmember aboard the Nyapa stated they had 4 people aboard and confirmed they lost their mast, but no one was injured and they were continuing south via motors and no longer needed assistance.
Rescue #3:
In a third case, 5th District watchstanders received an alert from an emergency position indicating radio beacon registered the sailboat Aurora. The alert positioned the Aurora 230 miles east of Elizabeth City, N.C.
Both Hercules crews searched the area but were unable to locate the boat. The crew of a nearby sailboat, the Dreamreach, responded to the Coast Guard’s radio broadcasts inquiring the after Aurora, stating that they had been in contact with the vessel and that the Aurora was not in distress and were heading to Bermuda.
Rescue #4:
In a fourth case, crewmembers aboard the sailboat Brave Heart, located approximately 50 miles southeast of Ocracoke Inlet, N.C., contacted Sector North Carolina watchstanders, reporting a 67-year-old man aboard had a arm injury.
Watchstanders launched a Coast Guard Station Hatteras Inlet crew aboard a 47-foot Motor Life Boat to attempt a medevac. Once on scene, the MLB was unable to conduct the medevac due to adverse weather conditions.
The Coast Guard Cutter Block Island was dispatched to escort the Brave Heart into Beaufort, N.C., but was diverted to assist with another case with a disabled sailboat. Watchstanders established a communication schedule with the Brave Heart and planned to send a crew from Coast Guard Station Fort Macon to escort the Brave Heart in, but crewmembers aboard the Brave Heart stated they no longer needed Coast Guard assistance.
Rescue #5:
In a fifth case, crewmembers aboard the 54-foot sailboat, Zulu, located approximately 100 miles east of Oregon Inlet, N.C., contacted Sector North Carolina watchstanders via satellite phone, reporting that they were disabled and adrift. The Cutter Block Island crew arrived on scene and is preparing to set up a tow to bring the Zulu back to shore.
Be careful out there!
Read the full story here.
Most of the boats in the second group, sailing in the Salty Dawg Rally out of Hampton, left Tuesday and Wednesday after the first of two forecasted cold fronts had passed. They hoped to cross through the volatile Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras before the second cold front moved into the area Thursday.
Many of the Salty Dawgs, though, didn't make it across the strong ocean current before conditions got rough, resulting in an unusually busy night for Coast Guard rescue teams in North Carolina - and prompting some in the sailing community to question the safety of the event.
Roughly 115 boats participated in the third-annual Salty Dawg Rally. Several experienced serious problems late Thursday as they sailed into strong crosswinds and choppy seas some 200 miles off the coast of North Carolina.
Two boats lost their masts; four others had serious rudder problems. One sailor lost his footing and broke an arm. Crew members from other boats reported intense seasickness.
Here is an update from the USCG on the resues:
Here’s a breakdown of each incident provided by the U.S. Coast Guard:
Rescue #1:
Crewmembers aboard the 41-foot sailboat, Ahimsa, sent out a distress signal via a satellite tracking device, stating that they were taking on water approximately 230 miles east of Virginia Beach and were in need of assistance.
5th District watchstanders launched crews aboard a Hercules airplane to search and a Jayhawk helicopter to perform the rescue. Watchstanders also contacted the Navy, who diverted the USS Vella Gulf to assist.
At approximately 11 p.m., the Jayhawk crew arrived at the Vella Gulf’s location and refuled aboard the ship. Proceeding from the Vella Gulf, the Jayhawk hoisted four people from the Ahimsa at approximately 1:30 a.m., and took the boaters back to Air Station Elizabeth City, where they declined medical treatment.
Rescue #2:
In a second case, crewmembers aboard the 38-foot sailboat Nyapa, sent out a distress signal via a satellite tracking device stating that they had lost their mast and were taking on water approximately 275 miles east of Virginia Beach and were in need of assistance.
5th District Watchstanders diverted the first Hercules crew from the Ahimsa case to search for the Nyapa, but were unable to locate the boat. A HC-130 crew from the air station launched at approximately 10 p.m., and utilizing new information recieved from the coordinator of the Salty Dawg Rally, located the Nyapa and established communications.
A crewmember aboard the Nyapa stated they had 4 people aboard and confirmed they lost their mast, but no one was injured and they were continuing south via motors and no longer needed assistance.
Rescue #3:
In a third case, 5th District watchstanders received an alert from an emergency position indicating radio beacon registered the sailboat Aurora. The alert positioned the Aurora 230 miles east of Elizabeth City, N.C.
Both Hercules crews searched the area but were unable to locate the boat. The crew of a nearby sailboat, the Dreamreach, responded to the Coast Guard’s radio broadcasts inquiring the after Aurora, stating that they had been in contact with the vessel and that the Aurora was not in distress and were heading to Bermuda.
Rescue #4:
In a fourth case, crewmembers aboard the sailboat Brave Heart, located approximately 50 miles southeast of Ocracoke Inlet, N.C., contacted Sector North Carolina watchstanders, reporting a 67-year-old man aboard had a arm injury.
Watchstanders launched a Coast Guard Station Hatteras Inlet crew aboard a 47-foot Motor Life Boat to attempt a medevac. Once on scene, the MLB was unable to conduct the medevac due to adverse weather conditions.
The Coast Guard Cutter Block Island was dispatched to escort the Brave Heart into Beaufort, N.C., but was diverted to assist with another case with a disabled sailboat. Watchstanders established a communication schedule with the Brave Heart and planned to send a crew from Coast Guard Station Fort Macon to escort the Brave Heart in, but crewmembers aboard the Brave Heart stated they no longer needed Coast Guard assistance.
Rescue #5:
In a fifth case, crewmembers aboard the 54-foot sailboat, Zulu, located approximately 100 miles east of Oregon Inlet, N.C., contacted Sector North Carolina watchstanders via satellite phone, reporting that they were disabled and adrift. The Cutter Block Island crew arrived on scene and is preparing to set up a tow to bring the Zulu back to shore.
Be careful out there!
Read the full story here.
A Week in the Bahamas
My wife and I celebrated a week in the Bahamas this last week. We flew all night and some of the next day to get there from San Francisco. We were celebrating 20 years of marriage and we have also worked together for 22 years. We own a company called Too Much Fun and work with companies in the Silicon Valley and assist them with their celebrations. It has been another fantastic year! How you say, can I work with my wife and not gone crazy? Sailing has been a huge pressure relief for me. It's something that she does not enjoy, so it gives me an opportunity to get out and do my own thing with my friends and gets me out of the house. To live together, work together, and be side by side for that much time, you need something that provides a chance to be apart as well. And I do alot of sailing which she encourages me to to do...or I would most likely drive her crazy! Here's to you, Bridget!
Getting back to the islands, we stayed at a lovely resort on New Providence (Nassau) called Sandals. We have been to the easy vacations on the west coast (Mexico, Hawaii) many times and wanted something different. We had an oceanside room with our very own butler. Pretty cool. The highlight for me was the (beside having a great week with my wife) sailing! Can you believe it? They had a bunch of Hobie 14's that you could jump on during the day. 3 of the 7 days, they closed the beach due to too much wind. Above 20 knots and it could be dangerous for those not used to that much wind. One day it was blowing a perfect 25 and I pleaded with them to let me go out but they would not budge. The last day was beautiful and I had a nice two hour morning sail off of Cable Beach. After lunch, I hit it again about 2pm. It really started building and eventually it hit 25 and I was ripping. These boats are main sail only so it's tough to get into too much trouble. However, if you are not careful, you can pitch pole at higher speeds. I was loving sailing up to 10 knots over the azure blue waters of this bay. I enjoy sailing naked so I would head away from the other few boats and relax as the boat sailed herself out to the reefs about a mile off the beach. We had a lovely time and the all inclusive did a nice job of supplying us with great food, lots of G&T's and nice wine. Here's to many more great vacations with my wife and family!!
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