Another amazing year of sailing the SF bay and beyond! Here are some of the highlights:
Sailing down the coast of Baja Sur on the 36' cat Rainbow and having the time of my life. If you are thinking about joining the Ha Ha next year, I highly recommend it
Sailing to the Farallon Islands for the first time
A three day sail up the Petaluma River with my best bud Tex and Kona
Full moon night sails
Kaboom with a great crew and the night sail home
Boat Improvements: A spinnaker sock!
A sail in the rain to the Giants game and then over to Angel for dinner and an overnight with Andy
Sailing out the Gate
Michael Franti with Dave and then a sail to SF to pick up my sis and her fam for a day sail to Angel
Sailing to Jack London for the boat show and the Baja Haha reunion. The night sail home was memorable as well
A warm wind sail with some of the Baja crew and then dinner at the SF yacht club coupled with a great night sail home
Blue Angel sail with some great friends
Sailing to the Giants games and a World Series Crown
Sailing with my Dad on Lake Sunapee, NH
Over night sail on Rainbow outside the gate and feeding the fish for the very first time
My friend Ryan and his home brew kegs for some great sailing off Tiburon
Swimming with Kona
Sailing with Kendell up to Paradise Cove and a beach picnic with his girls
Our boat performed flawlessly this year. We are heading into the next decade of ownership of our Newport 30 and look forward to another great year in 2011. Some of the thoughts for next year are: La Paz Cruise on a 41' Morgan with friends, Baja Haha II, a saill adventure to Tomales Bay, Cruising with Olivier on his brand new Hunter 41 and many day sails with friends. Should be another spectacular year!