Saturday, November 28, 2015

Jumping Dolphins

Dolphins are one of my favorite creatures.  Playful, intelligent, and able to communicate, these once land based mamals, have adapted to their watery environment with panache.  Last month I was in Cancun with my sister, Chris.  It was her birthday and I took her to the aquarium across the street and we were able to jump in a tank with a very friendly bottle nose dolphin.  I asked the trainer what the popular theory was on the evolution of dolphins.  He stated that they were once wolves that lived in a swampy environment and hunted aquatic creatures.  Eventually, over millions of years, they evolved into aquatic based hunters.  That really answered alot of questions for me.  When I look at seals, I see them as a cousin to Kona, my golden retriever. 

I really enjoyed this short film of dolphins in waves.  Especially when they all jump out of the wave simultaneously.  

Had a mellow sail out to Angel Island with John and Tina.  We had 10 knots of wind most of the day and due to a recent storm, we had very clear skies. After lunch, I put out the bean bag and put them up on deck.  The sun was bright and warm as we sailed towards the Gate.  They were almost dozing as some mellow Miles Davis played in the back ground. We set the kite for the run home.  After a comedy of errors, we got her flying and we zoomed home.  We were all very relaxed and mellow after another amazing sail on Addiction.  In at sunset.

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