Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thankful Indeed

It's been another amazing year of sailing and fun! And more to come. I am very thankful that I have a beautiful bay to share with friends and family. Our 22 year old 40' sailboat continues to impress and keep us safe. She is not getting older...she is getting better. I continue to fix things big and small. My boat partner John has stepped in when I get stumped and has been a big help. My sailing days per year continue to increase. I don't have an actual figure but it's around 200 sailing days per year. That's 4 sails a week!! I love it. So does my dog Hana. Her favorite part is swimming to and romping on the beach. Took a bunch of friends and strangers sailing this year. Close to 80 folks or so. The highlight so far was the Dead and Co. weekend at Oracle Park. We had a slip there and friends came for a sail during the day, tailgate parties and then 3 shows with this being their last tour after 58 years. What fun!! My wife and I are loving retirement and celebrated 30 years of marriage recently. We spent 4 days in San Jose del Cabo at a luxery hotel on the beach. Great times with Bridget. My childhood best friend heads down from Reno today for more sails and Thanksgiving. It just keeps getting better!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

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